Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.
~Lyndon B. Johnson

Monday, September 17, 2012


Well it is now after the 14th, and I am still home. The Russian Consulate has not yet released my Visa, they plan to do so tomorrow September 17, and I hopefully I will leave by the end of this week. Although I wish that I had left, this weekend was great, I was able to see my friend and his family who live out of state one last time before leaving, I was able to see my uncle one last time, and had the opportunity to read the article which the local newspaper published on Friday. So it seems as what at first looked like an unbearable weekend of dread, was turned into one of the best weekends this year.

The news article published about The Rotary Club, and my exchange. It states I have already left, as I wish by now I would.  

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