Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.
~Lyndon B. Johnson

My Presentations

I have had the opportunity of presenting at many Rotary Club District Assembles, I have spoken to the Mt. Ogden, Park City, and Ogden Rotary Club, as well as winning second place in a Rotary writing contest. These are the speeches which I have worked on throughout the year, and this is how I have earned my good reputation within the Utah Rotary Club community.

My second presentation, to the District Assembly in Murray Utah, March 24, 2012.

Hello, again my name is Blake Schapiro; I have already met some of those who are here today. For those that don’t know me, I am a ninth grade student in South Ogden Utah, a People to People Student Ambassador Alumnus, hold a 3.8 G.P.A., and am now preparing to go on a 10 month Youth Exchange to the country of Russia. When first learning of Rotary through my Spanish Teacher, and all the options available I was motivated, I was confident the Youth Exchange program was for me. I could not say the same for my parents.
However, as I pushed this idea towards them, and we attended an orientation meeting, they agreed to let me embark upon this journey. As a result of this, on September 1st I will be the youngest Rotary Student leaving the State of Utah on an exchange this year. To prepare I will fundraise for a bulk of my tuition, due to the generosity of so many Rotary members, I have received numerous donations towards the standard tuition. I have contacted U.S. officials here within our country, and in Russia. I have told them what I want to do, what I plan to accomplish, and have asked what they believe the best way to go about reaching my goals.       
While in Russia I hope to become fluent in the Russian language, as learning an understanding and appreciation for world cultures. However, my main focus will be to represent the greatest of our nation, by trying to unite both our countries, and make a step towards peace. I plan to do this through community service, outreach, and many united forces. The idea is not to hold a standard for which all our citizens must resemble. It is not about claiming our country has all the answers, or that their country has all the answers. It is an understanding our nations do have faults, our countries are not perfect, and that is okay, for we are all always learning. 
Recently, I have been told the proximity of where my exchange will take place; 26 possible cities all within South East Russia. The city which I am striving towards is less than 100 miles away from the North Korean Boarder. It is safe to say Americans are not cherished in this area.  Yet, at the same time there will be hundreds of children, parents, and families who will have a cold slumber upon the streets tonight. This is the change I want to set in motion. I want to set the ground work to a sturdy structure of united forces, which together can address many social issues including human trafficking, prostitution, and alcoholism. It will be difficult; it will take a large amount of time. Yet, what makes this experience so treasured is the opportunity to analyze their community, and see what needs modifying. I will have many barriers which fall in my way. But, I am lucky, not only can I say I am a U.S. Ambassador to the great country of Russia. I can say I am a U.S. Rotary Ambassador form the great state of Utah.
I have decided to pursue Rotary because this is idea of which we are based on, looking past our nationality, looking past our differences. It is understanding we all are people which have different backgrounds, different roots but that does not matter because we are all people.  My life goal is to become a U.S. Repetitive within Congress. I have chosen this career path because I believe this is where I can make the largest positive change. I want to be remembered, I want to bring a brighter future to my children. I have started at a younger age. It is our duty to give this same opportunity to many deserving others. Together we will reach our distended greatness. Together we will leave a better tomorrow. And we not only start today. But we start with every time our clubs sponsor an outbound student and inbound student. This is what allows us international relations; we are the one which have an opportunity to bring peace through understanding.

My second place winning essay, third presentation, at District Conference in Midway Utah, June 1, 2012.

Hello, my name is Blake Schapiro; I have had the privilege of already meeting many of you in attendance today. For those I haven’t, I am a ninth grade student attending South Ogden Jr. High, I am a former People to People Student Ambassador representing our State in England and France, I hold a 3.8 G.P.A., and now have the honor of preparing for ten month exchange to the country of Russia, as the youngest Rotary Ambassador leaving this state, this year. I have chosen this program and am pursuing Rotary with such passion because of the values I see in each and every one of you here today. The idea that if we want peace, if we want to stop unnecessary bloodshed, and unneeded death, the weapons we use are not bombs, guns, or bullets, but education. All here understand a greater power; we all understand the limitless boundaries of teaching by example. We understand the need in sending our youth internationally, to make connections, to gain knowledge, so they can use this once they become the leaders of our world, the parents of our future generation, so they can use this education for when they become our next Rotarians.
I represent the greatest of our nation, by reflecting this same idea. As for what I plan to do in the assistance of a progressive peace, I will complete community service, and community outreach. I will use this opportunity to get involved within my host community, get involved with the locals. I want to get the message across that what I am doing is not to infringe upon the culture of the people. It is not proclaim America is perfect, it is not about stating Russia has never made a mistake. It is to allow an insight in seeing our communities, our people can admit our flaws; we can admit that we are not perfect. And we do not have to because our nations and our people will forever be changing. 
I had the privilege to meet and speak with those who hold public office and those locals native to the area which I will be traveling. They have assisted me in carving a path to reach my goals. I will be using this journey as a pilgrimage, to see what must be done to rid this region and these citizens of falling into the endless cycle of alcoholism, prostitution, and human trafficking. I will be using a stimulus fund to help those parents, children, and families who are forced to sleep countless nights upon the cold streets. The idea which I portray is simple; the idea that throughout the world we are all different, yet more so than not we are the same, we like the same activities, we enjoy the same sports, and we all share in a similar lifestyle.       
I will face many obstacles upon my voyage in order to secure my goal. What gives this motivation, what gives me this drive is seeing all of us here today; seeing those who put past and celebrate our differences, those who strive to bring diversity into our communities. Those who together have set out for a common goal, to change the world for a better; let me be a hint of hope in saying we can change the future, we will leave a brighter tomorrow. We are on the right path; this is a lengthy transition which we must all endure. But this is a war which we will win. Remember that every time you are participating within your weekly meetings. Every time a volunteer opportunity revels itself to you, and most importantly remember this every time your club has an opportunity to sponsor a student representing our State, and the ones representing communities worldwide.             

Fourth presentation, to the Park City Rotary Club,  July 19, 2012. 

Hello my name is Blake Schapiro; I am a former ninth grade student attending South Ogden Jr. High, a People to People Student Ambassador Alumnus representing our State in England and France, hold 3.8 G.P.A., and am now preparing for a ten month Youth Exchange to the nation of Russia. In 6 weeks I will be departing from the Salt Lake City airport, leaving my friends, family, and community behind. I will be going to a region which I have never been before, living with a family unfamiliar to me, learning a language, and culture of which I have never been exposed to. This is Youth Exchange; one year ago I would say this would be an impossible journey for me to take. But Youth Exchange tells me, Impossible is the word used by those who have not conquered the idea of imagination. Used by the ones who take an easy way out, who only do what they are told. Impossible is not the truth, it is only ones assumption. Impossible only shows the potential.  
My exchange will be held in Magadan, it is a city of 95,000, sitting on the coast in Northeast Russia; the nearest big city being about 1,000 miles away. My host parents Vladimir and Maria know only very limited English; their two sons whom I will be living with, do not speak any English at all. This is what I will face every day, just within my home. This is a test of strength, a test unlike one you receive in a classroom, this is your life, this is the life of your host family, and your reaction, your answer to this test affects those lives.
I am using this voyage as a pilgrimage; I will use this as an opportunity to see what must be done to assist in a progressive peace. I will set the ground work to a powerful structure of change. And find the resources necessary to rid these regions from the crippling reality of human trafficking, prostitution, and alcoholism. My goal is to get the message across; that what I am doing is not to infringe upon the culture of the people. It is not to charge one nation in fault hood, it is not to proclaim on nation in perfection. It is to allow the insight into our communities in seeing we may not know all the correct answers, to all the necessary questions in our world, that there are many ways to go about fixing issues. And that is okay, because what makes a nation powerful, what makes our world work, is the diverse heritage and the diverse thinking process of which each of our citizens have.
I am honored to be a representative of our State, our Country, and of our values. This journey will be the most difficult time in my life so far. There will be tremendous hurdles I must jump over, large barriers of which will far in my way, and many distractions I must say no to, in order to reach my goals. Still I am the luckiest student of our State, having the opportunity to be departing as the youngest within our district. I am the luckiest student in our country because I am able to represent the best State of our nation, and I am the luckiest Student in our World because I am going through the best program, the best service organization in history.
I have such passion for Rotary because my mission in life is similar to our mission. World peace, and there are those in our communities who tell us this is an impossible objective. Still we are all here today. We are here because we’re the ones who refuse to believe this falsehood. We are the doers, the thinkers, the ones who will be able to take an amount of praise once that ultimate goal is reached. Youth exchange is an essential part in reaching this aspiration. We will achieve our destined greatness; together we are leaving our mark upon history. And not only do we open the door of world understanding today, but this door is opened even greater every time our State hosts an inbound student, or sponsors an outbound student. This is what builds relations; we are bringing peace to the next generation.